Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Run Like A Girl

                                Whats Run Like A Girl ???
Hailey , Courtney had a idea to start a fitness page to share recipes , fitness goals and to help people change their lives . In the last 2 years the page has grown to 25,000 people . One of those people that liked the page was me . I met Hailey on  a run in fort Langley . One run was all it took for us to become friends . Through Hailey I met Courtney , over the past year we have raced together at Squamish for the 50 k , will be running Grand Canyon Rim to Rim trail  on  Oct 12 , a Marathon on Nov 16 .
As we all become closer friends the fitness goals become bigger . I saw a race called Coastal Challenge in Costa Rica 250 km stage race over 6 days . The 6th day was on Feb 8 my birthday !!I cross the finish line on 38th birthday !
I asked the girls if we could do a fundraiser for breast cancer called Fight Like A Girl . With this fundraiser we would raise money for breast cancer , and also pay for our race to Costa Rica !
The girls loved the idea !!!!!

We first designed  a t shirt to sell with a quote on the back . The quote that we picked is :

"True strength is not giving up 
When everyone would understand if you did "

The next step was to set up a virtual race and also a local race . Since we have followers on the page from around the world we decided that we would have a race that everyone could do .
This is how it works  , racers sign up choose 5 k or 10 k , and run on the same day Oct 6 th , but choose there own route where they live . We then send them in the mail a race package with a finisher metal , bib number and some other goodies . Our Local race is in Fort Langley .
We have had a total of 359 racers and 80 local runners !!!!
We have got local business to sponsor and donate gifts for prizes , Hari Yoga , Tim Horton  , Id salon , Happy planet , 
But our Biggest sponsor was Oxygen yoga they sponsored us as athletes to train in there yoga studio for 6 months free !!!!!!! We need heat training for Costa Rica and now we have it !

We decided to sell our other shirts too !
The race sold better then we thought and the shirts sold better then we could imagine .
I am so proud to be part of Run Like A Girl BC  . We have raised enough money to pay for our trip , race and donate  to breast cancer !
The girls and I have so many dreams!
If you want to follow us please like our face book page
Run like A Girl
We are on a mission to change the world through fundraisers  supporting  causes , and to continue to help everyone to have a healthier life style through fitness goals and diet .

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